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Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant

Donor stem cell transplantation is a medical treatment for life-threatening hematological diseases and inborn errors. The indication for this procedure should be weighed carefully against other options, taking into account the inherent risk for complications. Stem cell donors can come from the family or from a stem cell registry.

The Máxima transplant team has an experienced department, performing some 50 donor transplants per year. In the intake phase transplant indication and donor choice as well as relevant comorbidities are evaluated. In general, the transplant procedure requires a hospital stay for 6 weeks up to several months in case of complications. It thus comes at a considerable (financial) cost. During the first 6-12 months after transplant the patient should be well connected to the transplant team to evaluate the clinical course with regular, short intervals. Our team is very experienced in all procedures, with an emphasis on cord blood transplantation, transplants for marrow failure, leukemia and inborn errors of metabolism. Both irradiation as well as chemo-based conditioning regimens are in use.

The SCT Team
  • Dr. Marc Bierings, transplant oncologist, clinical lead SCT
  • Dr. Birgitta Versluys, transplant oncologist
  • Dr. Caroline Lindemans, transplant oncologist
  • Dr. Dorine Bresters, transplant oncologist
  • Dr. Wouter Kollen, transplant oncologist
  • Dr. Henk Visscher, transplant oncologist
  • Dr. Friso Calkoen, transplant oncologist
  • Agnes Vissers, nurse practitioner
  • Marieke van der Vlugt, nurse practitioner
  • Martine Mol, nurse practitioner